另类资产管理公司APOLLO的首席经济学家Torstern Slock写了一篇短文认为联储今年不会减息,这两天在市场上引起广泛讨论。2023年的大部分时间他都认为美国经济会软着陆,但是最近他转变观点认为软着陆成为在几个选择(no landing/soft landing/hard landing)中几率最低的选项。


The market came into 2023 expecting a recession.

The market went into 2024 expecting six Fed cuts.

市场在2023年预期经济衰退。 市场在2024年预期联邦储备委员会(Fed)将进行六次降息。

The reality is that the US economy is simply not slowing down, and the Fed pivot has provided a strong tailwind to growth since December.

As a result, the Fed will not cut rates this year, and rates are going to stay higher for longer.

How do we come to this conclusion?

事实上,美国经济并没有放缓,自去年12月以来,Fed的转向为经济增长提供了强劲的支撑。 因此,Fed今年不会降息,利率将维持较高水平更长时间。 我们如何得出这个结论?

1)The economy is not slowing down, it is reaccelerating. Growth expectations for 2024 saw a big jump following the Fed pivot in December and the associated easing in financial conditions. Growth expectations for the US continue to be revised higher, see the first chart below.


2)Underlying measures of trend inflation are moving higher。


3)Supercore inflation, a measure of inflation preferred by Fed Chair Powell, is trending higher


4) Following the Fed pivot in December,the labor market remains tight, jobless claims are very low, and wage inflation is sticky between 4% and 5%.


5) Surveys of small businesses show thatmore small businesses are planning to raise selling prices


6)Manufacturing surveys show a higher trend in prices paid, another leading indicator of inflation


7)ISM services prices paid is also trending higher


8) Surveys of small businesses show thatmore small businesses are planning to raise worker compensation


9)Asking rents are rising, and more cities are seeing rising rents, and home prices are rising


10)Financial conditions continue to ease following the Fed pivot in December with record-high IG issuance, high HY issuance, IPO activity rising, M&A activity rising, and tight credit spreads and the stock market reaching new all-time highs. With financial conditions easing significantly, it is not surprising that we saw strong nonfarm payrolls and inflation in January, and we should expect the strength to continue


The bottom line is that the Fed will spend most of 2024 fighting inflation. As a result, yield levels in fixed income will stay high.

